Top Benefits of Moringa Seed Oil:
1. Hormone Balance
The hemp seed oil contains gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), which is needed to synthesize prostaglandins, compounds identical to hormones that contribute to many body functions. As scientists have found out, supplementing with GLA may improve hormone health and reduce symptoms associated with PMS, such as menstrual cramps. There is subjective evidence (not supported by research) that advocates that hemp seed oil may reduce breast tenderness, swelling, and feelings of irritability and depression.
It can also improve hormone health in older women going through menopause and reduce their symptoms such as hot flashes, irritability, and depression. Studies show that supplementation with fatty acid GLA does not cause any side effects.
2. Promotes Heart Health
Hemp seed oil improves heart health through several mechanisms.
It contains high levels of the essential fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3 in the ratio 3:1. Studies have found that the ratio should never exceed 4:1, meaning that 3:1 is a perfect ratio for our health. These essential fatty acids reduce cholesterol levels in the blood due to their β-sitosterols content, helping prevent heart disease.
Hemp seed oil is also a good source of Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA), and it is rich in the enzyme lipase, an excellent non-invasive chelation treatment for removing plaque build-up from blood vessels and the cell membranes. That way, it promotes heart health and prevents heart disease.
The amino acid arginine in hemp seed oil contributes to nitric acid production, relaxing and dilating blood vessels. This is how it can reduce blood pressure and help prevent heart disease.
Lastly, the GLA in hemp seed oil reduces inflammation, which prevents heart disease caused by inflammation.
3. Assists in Weight Loss
GLA found in hemp seeds can reduce sugar cravings and is a natural appetite suppressant that reduces weight loss as you take fewer calories.
Since hemp seed oil is rich in GLA, which reduces weight by preventing weight regaining, one study found that formerly obese individuals taking GLA supplements for a year gained less weight. It is possible that omega-3s in hemp seed oil also enhance weight loss, but this still needs to be studied.
4. Moisturizes and Alleviates Skin Conditions
Hemp seed oil is an excellent skin moisturizer as it is easily absorbed by the skin and contributes significantly to the skin’s barrier function to prevent moisture loss. Hemp oil is a perfect skin food because it is rich in nutrients, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants, making it an ideal carrier oil for massage and healing treatments. After using it for some time, the skin’s appearance can improve significantly.
The hemp seed oil also offers other benefits such as relief of acne, minor abrasions, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and itchy skin. The oil also strengthens the skin and enhances its ability to resist viral, fungal, and bacterial infections.
5. Boosts the Immune System
The body’s essential fatty acids in hemp seed oil must synthesize endocannabinoids to strengthen the immune system. That makes it a good idea to take hemp seed oil as an immune-enhancing supplement regularly.
6. Powerful Anti-inflammatory; Eases Arthritic Pain
The gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) found in hemp seed oil is known for its ability to fight- inflammation. This is good news for people who have arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. For example, people with multiple sclerosis (a chronic inflammatory disorder) who participated in a study were given hemp seed oil and evening primrose oil, and their symptoms improved. Scientists believe that it may be helpful in the treatment of fibromyalgia as well.
7. Pain Relief
Many people use hemp seed oil as a form of natural pain relief because it reduces pain when ingested or applied topically. When combined with its anti-inflammatory properties, it becomes a valuable ally for injuries, infections, or autoimmune disorders that cause pain. Subjective evidence suggests that hemp seed oil is a gentle pain-relieving massage oil that can be rubbed into the muscles after a workout or onto sore joints (due to injury, wear, tear, or inflammation). There is hope in hemp seed oil for people who don’t want to take allopathic pain killers for chronic pain.
8. Improves Brain Function
The hemp seed oil contains low levels of cannabinoids that have been found by research to ease anxiety in people who have a social anxiety disorder. The oil can probably reduce the symptoms of depression as well. The essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6, are already known to improve memory and prevent age-related brain function decline.
A review of several studies suggests that CBD and other compounds in hemp seed oil possibly work in a way that protects the brain and the nervous system. It can relieve or prevent Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, neuropathic pain, ADHD, and childhood seizure disorders.
9. Beneficial for Pregnancy
Because of the omega-3 fatty acids, hemp seed oil is an excellent supplement for pregnant mothers. One American study found that adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids is crucial during pregnancy since it is one of the building blocks for developing the fetus’ brain and retina. It also helps prevent perinatal depression and preterm delivery and promotes easier birth and lifelong health.
10. Diabetes Prevention and Treatment
Diabetes is connected to an unbalanced intake of essential fatty acids. As hemp seed oil is rich in essential fatty acids, it has a high potential for preventing and treating diabetes.
11. Enhances Digestive Health
Research on the effectiveness of hemp seed oil for digestive health is not available. However, in the omega-3 essential fatty acid, the DHA and EPA synthesize eicosanoid compounds that regulate hormones and digestive juices. They also have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and relieve some digestive tract problems such as inflammatory bowel disorder.
Lastly, the fatty acids help promote the good microbes in the gut flora, improving digestion and the immune system. In all these ways, hemp seed oil helps to improve overall digestive health.
12. Enhance Hair Growth
The essential fatty acids in hemp seed oil are known to add moisture and shine to the hair, promote hair growth, strengthen brittle hair strands, and help the hair grow thicker. Subjective evidence suggests that applying the oil on the scalp reduces several scalp problems, including dryness, itchiness, and dandruff, and will possibly treat scalp psoriasis.
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Ingredients : Locust Plant (cassia angustifolia), Gynostemma (Pentaphyllum), Lycii Berry Leaf and Cinnamon.
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