"I've used many detox teas and none of them come even close to being as good as The Tea!" Stephanie (Westchester, NY)
"The Tea helped me lose 2 inches off my waistline in 2 weeks." Monica (Florence, Italy)
"Not to be nasty but you actually see the fat in your stoll. " Kallie (Chicago, Michigan)
"I can't see myself ever stopping taking The Tea. It helped me lose 15lbs and keep it off!" Regina (Los Angeles, California)
"After drinking a cup of The Tea it pushes me to stay on track because it speeds up my results." Staniece (Miami Florida)
"The Tea is so strong that I reuse the tea bag about 3 times and it always seems to get the job done!" Jonathan (Cleveland, Ohio)
"I've learned without a test you can't have a tesTEAmonial. The picture on the left I was 260 lbs with a 42 inch waist, and the picture on the right is me 13 months later weighing 200 lbs with a 32 inch waist. With the discovery of The Tea I was able to get quicker results especially around my waist line while following a healthy diet and excercise plan."
-Jamaal (Cleveland, Ohio)